We investigated brooding patterns and timing of reproduction in three species of freshwater mussels, Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786), Elliptio roanokensis (Lea, 1839), and Elliptio angustata (Lea, 1831) in the lower Broad River near Columbia, South Carolina. Through repeatedly marking and recapturing individuals from late March through late lune 2008, we determined that E. complanata and E. roanokensis can complete at least two broods during this season, and that E. angustata can complete at least three broods with very little time between broods. The lengths of brooding periods were difficult to estimate and subject to a wide margin of error. However, the brooding period was estimated to be 20 to 36 days in most broods of E. angustata, and could be as short as 18 days in E. roanokensis and 25 days in E. complanata. Mark and recapture of gravid mussels provided a much more detailed picture of brooding strategies than the collection and preservation of different individuals throughout the year.