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6 October 2021 Citizen science implements the first intensive acoustics-based survey of insectivorous bat species across the Murray–Darling Basin of South Australia
Kyle N. Armstrong, Sylvia Clarke, Aimee Linke, Annette Scanlon, Philip Roetman, Jacqui Wilson, Alan T. Hitch, Steven C. Donnellan
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Effective land management and biodiversity conservation policy relies on good records of native species occurrence and habitat association, but for many animal groups these data are inadequate. In the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB), the most environmentally and economically important catchment in Australia, knowledge gaps exist on the occurrence and habitat associations of insectivorous bat species. We relied on the interest and effort of citizen scientists to assist with the most intensive insectivorous bat survey ever undertaken in the MDB region of South Australia. We used an existing network of Natural Resource Management groups to connect interested citizens and build on historical observations of bat species using a fleet of 30 Anabat Swift bat detectors. The survey effort more than doubled the number of bat occurrence records for the area in two years (3000 records; cf. 2693 records between 1890 and 2018; freely available through the Atlas of Living Australia). We used multinomial logistic regression to look at the relationship between three types of environmental covariates: flight space, nearest open water source and vegetation type. There were no differences in species richness among the environmental covariates. The records have been, and will continue to be, used to inform government land management policy, more accurately predict the impact of development proposals on bat populations, and update conservation assessments for microbat species. A social survey tool also showed that participation in the project led to positive behaviours, and planned positive behaviours, for improving bat habitat on private land.

© CSIRO 2020
Kyle N. Armstrong, Sylvia Clarke, Aimee Linke, Annette Scanlon, Philip Roetman, Jacqui Wilson, Alan T. Hitch, and Steven C. Donnellan "Citizen science implements the first intensive acoustics-based survey of insectivorous bat species across the Murray–Darling Basin of South Australia," Australian Journal of Zoology 68(6), 364-381, (6 October 2021).
Received: 15 June 2020; Accepted: 14 September 2020; Published: 6 October 2021
bat detector
community science
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