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10 October 2019 CCR2 mediates the adverse effects of LPS in the pregnant mouse
Renyi Hua, Lydia F. Edey, Kieran P. O'Dea, Laura Howe, Bronwen R. Herbert, Weiwei Cheng, Xia Zheng, David A. MacIntyre, Philip R. Bennett, Masao Takata, Mark R. Johnson
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In our earlier work, we found that intrauterine (i.u.) and intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of LPS (10-µg serotype 0111:B4) induced preterm labor (PTL) with high pup mortality, marked systemic inflammatory response and hypotension. Here, we used both i.u. and i.p. LPS models in pregnant wild-type (wt) and CCR2 knockout (CCR2–/–) mice on E16 to investigate the role played by the CCL2/CCR2 system in the response to LPS.

Basally, lower numbers of monocytes and macrophages and higher numbers of neutrophils were found in the myometrium, placenta, and blood of CCR2–/– vs. wt mice. After i.u. LPS, parturition occurred at 14 h in both groups of mice. At 7 h post-injection, 70% of wt pups were dead vs. 10% of CCR2–/– pups, but at delivery 100% of wt and 90% of CCR2–/– pups were dead. Myometrial and placental monocytes and macrophages were generally lower in CCR2–/– mice, but this was less consistent in the circulation, lung, and liver. At 7 h post-LPS, myometrial ERK activation was greater and JNK and p65 lower and the mRNA levels of chemokines were higher and of inflammatory cytokines lower in CCR2–/– vs. wt mice. Pup brain and placental inflammation were similar. Using the IP LPS model, we found that all measures of arterial pressure increased in CCR2–/– but declined in wt mice.

These data suggest that the CCL2/CCR2 system plays a critical role in the cardiovascular response to LPS and contributes to pup death but does not influence the onset of inflammation-induced PTL.

Summary Sentence

This study used mouse models of preterm labour and sepsis to show that during pregnancy the CCL2/CCR2 system is important in the cardiovascular response to sepsis but while it delays pup death it does not delay LPS-induced preterm labour.

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Society for the Study of Reproduction. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
Renyi Hua, Lydia F. Edey, Kieran P. O'Dea, Laura Howe, Bronwen R. Herbert, Weiwei Cheng, Xia Zheng, David A. MacIntyre, Philip R. Bennett, Masao Takata, and Mark R. Johnson "CCR2 mediates the adverse effects of LPS in the pregnant mouse," Biology of Reproduction 102(2), 445-455, (10 October 2019).
Received: 24 October 2019; Accepted: 16 September 2019; Published: 10 October 2019
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