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2 May 2024 Contribution of the seminal microbiome to paternal programming
Justine Kilama, Carl R Dahlen, Lawrence P. Reynolds, Samat Amat
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The field of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease has primarily focused on maternal programming of offspring health. However, emerging evidence suggests that paternal factors, including the seminal microbiome, could potentially play important roles in shaping the developmental trajectory and long-term offspring health outcomes. Historically, the microbes present in the semen were regarded as inherently pathogenic agents. However, this dogma has recently been challenged by the discovery of a diverse commensal microbial community within the semen of healthy males. In addition, recent studies suggest that the transmission of semen-associated microbes into the female reproductive tract during mating has potentials to not only influence female fertility and embryo development but could also contribute to paternal programming in the offspring. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge on the seminal microbiota in both humans and animals followed by discussing their potential involvement in paternal programming of offspring health. We also propose and discuss potential mechanisms through which paternal influences are transmitted to offspring via the seminal microbiome. Overall, this review provides insights into the seminal microbiome-based paternal programing, which will expand our understanding of the potential paternal programming mechanisms which are currently focused primarily on the epigenetic modifications, oxidative stresses, and cytokines.

Summary Sentence

This review explores the potential role of seminal microbiota in transferring paternal programming to offspring and proposes possible mechanisms of transmission, thus expanding the current knowledge of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.

Justine Kilama, Carl R Dahlen, Lawrence P. Reynolds, and Samat Amat "Contribution of the seminal microbiome to paternal programming," Biology of Reproduction 111(2), 242-268, (2 May 2024).
Received: 13 January 2024; Accepted: 22 April 2024; Published: 2 May 2024
fetal programing
offspring development
paternal programming
seminal microbiome
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