Honey bees are important for crop and wild flower pollination and are facing population decline due to several factors that may be mitigated through conservation efforts. The purpose of this study was to assess attitudes towards honey bees of adults visiting a honey bee information table at a University's weeklong pollinator event in the spring of 2019. Attitudes were assessed utilizing 12 statements scored on a 5-point Likert scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree. Relationships between demographics and attitudes were explored using chi-square test and Bonferroni correction. Attitudes towards honey bees were, overall, positive. Participants recognize the intelligence of honey bees and agree it is important to learn about honey bees, protect them, and that they are an important part of the environment. They disagreed that they felt fear when near a honey bee, and disagreed that it is better to kill a bee than be stung. Additionally, they disagreed that they would kill a honey bee found in their home. Participants strongly disagreed that honey bees are dangerous. Significant relationships were found between number of times a person was stung and attitudes towards learning about honey bees and whether a person felt that killing a honey bee is better than being stung. A significant relationship was also found between geographic location and importance of honey bees to the environment. This study highlighted the need to continue education and exposure of the public to honey bees in order to positively affect perceptions.
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14 December 2022
Visitors to a University pollinator event have positive attitudes towards honey bees
Jessica Walter,
Stephen Gehnrich,
Marissa Schmidt,
Giacinta Giglio-Valentino