Echinocereus adustus, E. pamanesii and E. schereri are three morphological related, little known species from northwestern Mexico. In order to assess their conservation status, data on their distribution and ecological conditions were gathered from herbarium specimens, field work and databases. A data matrix of about 140 records was obtained. After curating those, eighty-eight records were kept of E. adustus subsp. adustus, E. adustus subsp. schwarzii, E. pamanesii and E. shereri. Distribution maps were generated on biogeographic provinces and ecoregions, and maps of the Area of Occupancy (AOO) and Extent of Occurrence (EOO) were prepared for each taxon. We propose to update the conservation status to Endangered for E. adustus (which has a wide distribution but very restricted occupation area) and E. schereri (restricted distribution and locally very rare), and to Near Threathened for E. pamanesii, which has a small Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence but is locally common in an area not exposed to agricultural activities.
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23 May 2022
Notes on distribution and conservation status of three Echinocereus (Cactaceae) species from northwest Mexico
Martha González-Elizondo,
M. Socorro González-Elizondo,
Lizeth Ruacho-González
Vol. 2022 • No. sp40
May 2022
Vol. 2022 • No. sp40
May 2022
area of occupancy
Echinocereus adustus
Echinocereus pamanesii
Echinocereus schereri
Extent of occurrence
rare species