Campbell, C. P., Haley, J., Swanson, K. C. and Mandell, I. B. 2013. Packing plant differences in meat quality for grain-fed veal. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 93: 205-215. Packing plant differences in meat quality were investigated in grain-fed veal from three commercial packing plants and a university research facility. Postmortem chilling rates were investigated in three plants including facilities which encased carcass sides in a polyliner bag intended to reduce shrinkage during chilling. Packing plant differences (P ≤ 0.01) in chilling rates were not always accompanied by plant differences in sarcomere length for longissimus or semitendinosus muscles. Drip and cooking losses and shear force for longissimus varied (P≤0.04) across packing plant with lower (P≤0.02) values found in veal slaughtered at the university research facility vs. veal from commercial packing plants. A packing plant by postmortem ageing interaction (P<0.05) for shear force was due to differences in extent of postmortem tenderization with ageing across packing plants. While use of a polyliner to encase the carcass during chilling decreased (P<0.001) rate of chilling and carcass shrinkage, there was no effect (P>0.20) on drip loss, shear force, or cooking losses vs. carcasses chilled uncovered.
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1 June 2013
Packing plant differences in meat quality for grain-fed veal
C. P. Campbell,
J. Haley,
K. C. Swanson,
I. B. Mandell
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Canadian Journal of Animal Science
Vol. 93 • No. 2
June 2013
Vol. 93 • No. 2
June 2013
force de cisaillement
shear force