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24 July 2019 Agronomic practices for red lentil in Alberta
R. Bowness, M.A. Olson, D. Pauly, R.H. McKenzie, C. Hoy, K.S. Gill, E. Bremer
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Lentil was seldom grown in Alberta prior to 2015 due to the lack of demonstrated ability to achieve adequate yields, even though it was potentially well adapted to most agricultural regions within the province. We conducted field trials at five locations for 4 yr to determine potential productivity and optimum seeding rate, N management, and imidazolinone herbicide formulation for two imidazolinone-resistant red lentil cultivars across a broad geographic region in Alberta. Over the 4 yr of this study (2012–2015), the average yield potential of lentil ranged from 3000 to 3700 kg ha-1 at five locations. Maximum yield was consistently obtained when plant density exceeded 90 plants m-2. Lentil yield was not influenced by rhizobia inoculation, N fertilizer rate, or their interaction. Application of imidazolinone-based herbicide did not impact yield or nodulation of the lentil cultivars used in this study. High productivity of two imidazolinone-resistant red lentil cultivars was attainable over a broad geographic region in Alberta.

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R. Bowness, M.A. Olson, D. Pauly, R.H. McKenzie, C. Hoy, K.S. Gill, and E. Bremer "Agronomic practices for red lentil in Alberta," Canadian Journal of Plant Science 99(6), 834-840, (24 July 2019).
Received: 8 December 2018; Accepted: 3 June 2019; Published: 24 July 2019

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Lens culinaris Medik.
nitrogen fertilizer
rhizobia inoculation
seeding rate
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