Ref.: Can. J. Soil Sci. 101: 335–338 (2021). doi: 10.1139/cjss-2020-0092.
We discovered an error by a factor of 10 in our calculations for carbon stock in this published paper. This error does not affect any findings or conclusions.
In the abstract, the unit was kg C·ha–1, but should instead be t C·ha–1:
Considering the entire Ap horizon depth, we show that soil carbon stocks (t C·ha–1) may be constant or increasing.
In the French translation:
Prenant en compte l'horizon dans son entièreté, les auteurs montrent que les réserves de carbone dans le sol (t de C par hectare) pourraient bien être constantes, voire augmenter.
On pages 337–338, the sentence should read as follows:
Based on this calculation, the average mass of organic carbon stored in agricultural soils in ON was 65.9 t·ha−1 before 1970 and 79 t·ha−1 after the year 2000 (Table 1).
Table 1.
Average concentration of soil organic carbon (SOC), thickness of Ap horizon, and calculated carbon stock for three time periods based on a total of 4183 data points.
Please see the amended Table 1 and Fig. 1 on the following pages.