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17 June 2020 Polysciadis (Araliaceae) species nova e Madagascaria in honorem Luciani Bernardii felsinei nominata
Porter P. Lowry II, Martin W. Callmander, Rodolphe Spichiger
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Lowry II, P.P., M.W. Callmander & R. Spichiger (2020). Polysciadis (Araliaceae) species nova e Madagascaria in honorem Luciani Bernardii felsinei nominata. Candollea 75: 107–114. In English, English and French abstracts.

Polyscias bernardiana Lowry & Callm., an easily recognized new species from east-central Madagascar, including the Ambatovy mine site and several protected areas, is described in honor of Luciano Bernardi (1920–2001), a 20th century explorer-naturalist who has contributed more to our knowledge of Indian Ocean Araliaceae than any other botanist. This new species most closely resembles Polyscias duplicata (Thouars ex Baill.) Lowry & G.M. Plunkett from Madagascar and the Comoro Islands in forming monocaulous trees with a terminal cluster of large leaves surrounding a globose inflorescence, and in having flowers and fruits with 8–10(–12) carpels and styles, but differs in having an articulated pedicel (vs. unarticulated in P. duplicata) and lacking auxiliary leaflets (vs. a second leaflet often inserted in the axil of the main leaflets in P. duplicata). Polyscias bernardiana is illustrated by line drawings and color photos, and a risk of extinction assessment is provided based on the IUCN Red List criteria, which indicates a conservation status of “Least Concern”.

Porter P. Lowry II, Martin W. Callmander, and Rodolphe Spichiger "Polysciadis (Araliaceae) species nova e Madagascaria in honorem Luciani Bernardii felsinei nominata," Candollea 75(1), 107-114, (17 June 2020).
Received: 9 April 2020; Accepted: 4 May 2020; Published: 17 June 2020
Luciano Bernardi
new species
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