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1 November 2012 Field Observation of Egglaying Behavior of a Puddle Frog Occidozyga sumatrana from Bali, Indonesia (Anura: Dicroglossidae)
Koshiro Eto, Masafumi Matsui
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Occidozyga sumatrana is not uncommon in some parts of Southeast Asia but its reproduction in nature is poorly known. We observed egg-laying behavior of this species in Bali, Indonesia. The amplectic position was inguinal and the oviposition site was out of the water in O. sumatrana, both of which are unique given its phylogenetic position and the mainly aquatic habits of adults.

Koshiro Eto and Masafumi Matsui "Field Observation of Egglaying Behavior of a Puddle Frog Occidozyga sumatrana from Bali, Indonesia (Anura: Dicroglossidae)," Current Herpetology 31(2), 121-124, (1 November 2012).
Accepted: 25 September 2012; Published: 1 November 2012
Inguinal amplexus
Occidozyga sumatrana
Terrestrial oviposition
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