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1 June 2016 Comprehensive Analysis of Some Job-Related Attitudes on Expectation and Satisfaction Among Forestry Staff: Case Results from a Turkish Regional Forestry Organization
S. Yurdakul Erol
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Human resources play an effective role in achieving success in forestry. People who work in the forestry sector have responsibilities such as ecological management, sustainability, balancing and satisfying the social demands of society, and income generation. These various duties make their jobs complex and difficult. In addition, staff effectiveness, performance, long-term decisions and applications shape the future of the sector. Thus, it is critical to determine the expectations and job satisfaction of forestry employees. This is an essential aspect especially for developing countries, which have the largest amount of forestland but with few forestry staff with university degrees. Also, the lack of motivation for young people to take up a career in the sector is another threat for the future of forestry. The aim of this paper was to comprehensively evaluate the attitudes of forestry staff. The findings showed that various metrics affect forestry staffs' job-related attitudes. Based on these data, policies and strategies should be developed and implemented to address issues indicated by the staff, both at national and local levels, to achieve success in decision making and administrative processes. Analyzing differences related with expectation and satisfaction levels among forest employees in a comprehensive way helps raise awareness among decision makers and managers of the attitudes of employees who have different characteristics and create focused solutions.

S. Yurdakul Erol "Comprehensive Analysis of Some Job-Related Attitudes on Expectation and Satisfaction Among Forestry Staff: Case Results from a Turkish Regional Forestry Organization," International Forestry Review 18(2), 180-191, (1 June 2016).
Published: 1 June 2016
Chobe Forest Reserve
expectation of staff
forestry administration
forestry staff
intergenerational influence
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