A consolidated piece of the Anastasia Formation approximately 60 cm round was washed up onto the beachface where it rested on loose beach sand. Swash running up the beachface encountered the comminuted rock fragment that was flattened and rounded by bidirectional swash motions in runup and backrush. This picture is interesting because it shows the erosive forces of laminar flow culminating in vertical wave action uplifting sand grains in wavetowers where there is vertical turbulent flow. Note the concentration of mobilized sand grains in the splash wave on the distal seaward margin of the coquinoid sandstone rock fragment. This mechanism of sediment sorting of grain sizes on the beachface results in changes in grain size parallel and perpendicular to the shore, as described for example by Trenhale, van der Nol, and LaValle (1996). (Photo taken by Lynette Shifflet, 1 Crib Court, Lake Monticello, VA 22963, USA. Photo acquired 11 October 2010 at lowtide around 5 p.m.) Tranhale, A.S.; van der Nol, L.V., and LaValle, P.D., 1996. Sand grain roundness and transport in the swash zone. Journal of Coastal Research, 12(4), 1017–1023.