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22 January 2019 Efficiency of Varying Sediment Traps under Experimental Conditions Simulating Tidal Inundations
Stefanie Nolte, Christian Butzeck, Andrew H. Baldwin, Gary K. Felton, Kai Jensen
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Nolte, S.; Butzeck, C.; Baldwin, A.H.; Felton, G.K., and Jensen, K., 2019. Efficiency of varying sediment traps under experimental conditions simulating tidal inundations. Journal of Coastal Research, 35(4), 920–924. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Accelerated sea-level rise (SLR) is threatening tidal marshes worldwide. An important control of tidal marsh survival under accelerated SLR is sediment deposition. Therefore, factors affecting sediment deposition rates (SDRs) have been studied extensively using various types of sediment traps. The efficiency of various sediment traps has been compared in several studies, but most of these were conducted in shallow lakes or rivers. In contrast, the efficiency of different sediment traps in tidal marshes is unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the trapping efficiency of four frequently used sediment traps, namely flat traps constructed of either tiles or floor mat and circular traps with and without a lid, under controlled experimental conditions simulating tidal inundations in a flume. The strong differences between circular sediment traps (high efficiency) and both flat-surface sediment trap methods (low efficiency) found in this study were remarkable. Additionally, further evidence was found for decreases in SDRs with increasing distance to the inflow of the flume (sediment source) and with decreasing suspended sediment concentration. These findings indicate that trap design has a large influence on sedimentation rate and that studies using different types of sediment traps are not directly comparable.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2019
Stefanie Nolte, Christian Butzeck, Andrew H. Baldwin, Gary K. Felton, and Kai Jensen "Efficiency of Varying Sediment Traps under Experimental Conditions Simulating Tidal Inundations," Journal of Coastal Research 35(4), 920-924, (22 January 2019).
Received: 22 January 2018; Accepted: 12 September 2018; Published: 22 January 2019
sediment deposition
tidal marsh
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