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20 April 2023 In vitro biochemical characterization and identification of hemolytic bacteria associated with life history of Culicoides peregrinus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), a vector of bluetongue virus
Ankita Sarkar, Paramita Banerjee, Surajit Kar, Soumendranath Chatterjee, Abhijit Mazumdar
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Gut bacterial communities in insects provide several beneficial roles like nutrition, digestion, fecundity, and survival of the host.The microbial communities of Culicoides spp. (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) vary with parity, developmental stages, and environmental factors. Previous studies have revealed the presence of hemolytic bacteria in adult Culicoides peregrinus Kieffer (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), an important vector of bluetongue virus (BTV). Our objectives were (i) to identify bacterial communities with hemolytic activities associated with all life stages and (ii) to compare between reared and field-collected adults including age graded females. Bacterial identification followed Sanger sequencing of 16S rRNA. In vitro biochemical characterizations including antibiotic sensitivity tests were also done. The majority of bacterial species were beta hemolytic with one, Alcaligenes faecalis, showing alpha hemolysis. Most bacterial species were observed in field-collected adults except Proteus spp. Throughout the life history of the vector, Bacillus cereus (CU6A, CU1E) and Paenibacillus sp. (CU9G) were detected indicating their possible role in blood digestion within the gut of this vector species. In vivo hemolytic activities of these culturable bacterial communities within this vector may be addressed in future. These hemolytic bacterial communities may be targeted to develop novel and effective strategies for vector control.

Graphical Abstract

Ankita Sarkar, Paramita Banerjee, Surajit Kar, Soumendranath Chatterjee, and Abhijit Mazumdar "In vitro biochemical characterization and identification of hemolytic bacteria associated with life history of Culicoides peregrinus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), a vector of bluetongue virus," Journal of Medical Entomology 60(4), 742-752, (20 April 2023).
Received: 12 September 2022; Accepted: 22 March 2023; Published: 20 April 2023

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antibiotic sensitivity
colony morphology
culturable hemolytic bacteria
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