We conducted a series of experiments to determine how ZIP (Zip7, Zip10 and Zip13) and ZnT (ZnT1, ZnT2 and ZnT7) genes are regulated by over-supply and depletion of zinc in different body tissues. Each tissue showed a specific pattern rather than a unified pattern for zinc changes. The resulting data provide an important clue to solve the following problem: How do ZnT and ZIP genes efficiently maintain zinc homeostasis in response to zinc changes at an individual level rather than a single cell?
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18 June 2019
Zinc Regulates the Expression of Genes Encoding ZIP and ZnT Transporters in the Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
Ji-Hye Song,
Nuri Lee,
Younghwa Ko,
Eun-Ryeong Lee,
Kisang Kwon,
Ji-Young Choi,
O-Yu Kwon
Gryllus bimaculatus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae)
zinc transporter (ZnT)
Zrt-Irt-like proteins (ZIP)