Pathological findings associated with helminth and arthropod parasites of four wild platypuses (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) are described. Fourth-stage larval rhabditoid nematodes (?Cylindrocorporidae) found partially embedded in the stratum corneum were associated with mild acanthosis, orthokeratotic hyperkeratosis and inconstant subacute dermatits. A filarioid nematode (?Lemdaninae) was found in hypodermal lymphoid tissue. A larval trichostrongyloid nematode was found in the dermis, with no evidence of host response. An undescribed species of trombiculid mite (“chigger”) was found in the pelage and attached to superficial stratum corneum. Focal inclusions of eosinophilic material within stratum corneum, interpreted as mite gel saliva produced during formation of the “stylostome,” were also observed. The tick Ixodes ornithorhynchi punctured the epidermis causing adnexal trauma, dermal haemorrhage and chronic active dermatitis. The digenean Mehlisia ornithorhynchi was present in the small intestine of one animal and was associated with mild catarrhal enteritis.