Botanical exploration has documented 11 new species of Psychotria L. (i.e., Psychotria s. str., Psychotria subg. Psychotria: Rubiaceae) in the western Amazon basin and Andes of South America. Psychotria anisophylla C. M. Taylor is found at 200–800 m in Peru and Bolivia and is characterized by its unequally sized leaves, calyptrate stipules, and flowers that are solitary or paired and borne on axillary short-shoots. Psychotria awa C. M. Taylor is found at 100–1325 m along the Colombia–Ecuador border and differs from P. hammelii Dwyer in its planar (non-bulliform) leaves. Psychotria calyptrata C. M. Taylor is found at 1021–2850 m in Bolivia and Peru and differs from P. trichotoma M. Martens & Galeotti in its pubescent smaller leaves, subsessile flowers, and fruits that are not stipitate. Psychotria cochabambana C. M. Taylor is found at 1940–2180 m in central Bolivia and differs from P. cutucuana C. M. Taylor by its longer corollas. Psychotria davidsmithiana C. M. Taylor is found at 1600–2862 m in Peru and Bolivia and differs from P. aristeguietae Steyerm. in its shorter calyx lobes. Psychotria diminuta C. M. Taylor is found at 1600–1800 m in Peru and differs from P. parvifolia Benth. by its subsessile leaves with sacciform domatia, 3-flowered inflorescences, and 5-merous flowers. Psychotria grahamii C. M. Taylor is found at 250–850 m in central Peru and differs from P. juninensis Standl. in its longer calyx limbs. Psychotria maynasana C. M. Taylor is found at 120–170 m in Peru and western Brazil and differs from P. anceps Kunth in its larger fruits. Psychotria ortiziana C. M. Taylor is found at 193–900 m in Peru, western Brazil, and Bolivia and is characterized by its bilobed interpetiolar stipules, leaves with sacciform domatia, rather large corollas, and fruits borne on well-developed stipes. Psychotria pandoana C. M. Taylor is found in at 110–285 m in western Brazil and northern Bolivia and differs from P. pectinata Steyerm. in its broader pubescent leaves without domatia and larger corollas. Also, P. sopkinii C. M. Taylor is found at 1500–2730 m in western Colombia and differs from P. convergens C. M. Taylor by its shorter corollas.
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24 May 2016
Rubiacearum Americanarum Magna Hama Pars XXXI: More New Neotropical Species and Morphological Notes for Psychotria (Psychotrieae)
Charlotte M. Taylor