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1 June 2009 Breeding Ecology of the Tylas Vanga Tylas eduardi in Southeastern Madagascar
Masahiko Nakamura, Mitsuteru tateno, Hajanirina Rakotomanana
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Although the family Vangidae provides one of the most striking examples of adaptive radiation in the avifauna of Madagascar, basic information on the breeding biology of each species is lacking. To examine the breeding system of the Tylas Vanga Tylas eduardi, a species endemic to Madagascar, we studied the contributions made by males and females of two pairs (involving four nests) to nest building, incubating, brooding, and feeding the young. The study was conducted from October 2007 to January 2008 at Ranomafana National Park, situated in southeastern Madagascar. Males had dispersed territories and paired with single females. Copulation took place between females and males on whose territories they nested. During the nest-building stage, males and females provided nest materials. We observed parental care at two nests. Both sexes participated in incubating and brooding at one nest, whereas only the female incubated and brooded at another nest. During the nestling period, both sexes delivered food (mainly caterpillars, moths, butterflies and crickets) to the nestlings and no helpers were observed. These results suggest that the Tylas Vanga is socially monogamous. We discuss the sex determination based on plumage color and mating system of Tylas Vanga.

© The Ornithological Society of Japan 2009
Masahiko Nakamura, Mitsuteru tateno, and Hajanirina Rakotomanana "Breeding Ecology of the Tylas Vanga Tylas eduardi in Southeastern Madagascar," Ornithological Science 8(1), 15-22, (1 June 2009).
Received: 28 March 2009; Accepted: 15 April 2009; Published: 1 June 2009
biparental care
plumage color
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