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21 May 2018 Significant Suppression of CT Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in Normal Human Cells by the PrC-210 Radioprotector
Frank Jermusek, Chelsea Benedict, Emma Dreischmeier, Michael Brand, Michael Uder, Justin J. Jeffery, Frank N. Ranallo, William E. Fahl
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While computed tomography (CT) is now commonly used and considered to be clinically valuable, significant DNA double-strand breaks (γ-H2AX foci) in white blood cells from adult and pediatric CT patients have been frequently reported. In this study to determine whether γ-H2AX foci and X-ray-induced naked DNA damage are suppressed by administration of the PrC-210 radioprotector, human blood samples were irradiated in a CT scanner at 50–150 mGy with or without PrC-210, and γ-H2AX foci were scored. X-ray-induced naked DNA damage was also studied, and the DNA protective efficacy of PrC-210 was compared against 12 other common “antioxidants.” PrC-210 reduced CT radiation-induced γ-H2AX foci in white blood cells to near background (P < 0.0001) at radiation doses of 50–150 mGy. PrC-210 was most effective among the 13 “antioxidants” in reducing naked DNA X-ray damage, and its addition at 30 s before an OH pulse reduced to background the OH insult that otherwise induced >95% DNA damage. A systemic PrC-210 dose known to confer 100% survival in irradiated mice had no discernible effect on micro-CT image signal-to-noise ratio and CT image integrity. PrC-210 suppressed DNA damage to background or near background in each of these assay systems, thus supporting its development as a radioprotector for humans in multiple radiation exposure settings.

©2018 by Radiation Research Society.
Frank Jermusek, Chelsea Benedict, Emma Dreischmeier, Michael Brand, Michael Uder, Justin J. Jeffery, Frank N. Ranallo, and William E. Fahl "Significant Suppression of CT Radiation-Induced DNA Damage in Normal Human Cells by the PrC-210 Radioprotector," Radiation Research 190(2), 133-141, (21 May 2018).
Received: 2 September 2017; Accepted: 2 April 2018; Published: 21 May 2018
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