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23 June 2020 A New Dangerous Gall Wasp Species from Mexico: Zapatella polytryposa Pujade-Villar & Fernández-Garzón n. sp.
Juli Pujade-Villar, Victor Cuesta-Porta, David Cibrián-Tovar, Uriel M. Barrera-Ruíz, Sara Fernández-Garzón
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A new species of Zapatella Pujade-Villar and Melika, Z. polytryposa Pujade-Villar and Fernández-Garzón n. sp., from Mexico is described here. It is an agamic form, potentially dangerous, killing branches of Quercus crassipes Humb. and Bonpl. Diagnostic data, distribution, and biology of the new species are provided. Principal morphological characters of the new species are described and illustrated. The damage also was described. Zapatella is mentioned for the first time for Mexico; previously, it was known from the USA (six species), Costa Rica (one species), and Colombia (seven species).

Juli Pujade-Villar, Victor Cuesta-Porta, David Cibrián-Tovar, Uriel M. Barrera-Ruíz, and Sara Fernández-Garzón "A New Dangerous Gall Wasp Species from Mexico: Zapatella polytryposa Pujade-Villar & Fernández-Garzón n. sp.," Southwestern Entomologist 45(2), 491-500, (23 June 2020).
Published: 23 June 2020
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