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14 December 2023 Molecular Identification of Sugarcane Borers Based on Cytochrome Oxidase I in South-Central Region of Tamaulipas, México
Hermelindo Hernández-Torres, Francisco Alejandro Paredes-Sánchez, Jesús Romero-Nápoles, Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera, Joel Ávila-Valdez
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Three sugarcane borer species at three locations in the South-central region of Tamaulipas State, Mexico, were identified by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene, two species of Pyralidae Latreille, 1802: Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius, 1794 and D. considerata Heinrich, 1931 and one species from Crambidae Latreille, 1810, Eoreuma loftini Dyar, 1917. The nucleotide sequences in GenBank had similarity with D. saccharalis of 95%, D. considerata of 95%, and E. loftini of 96%. Maximum-likelihood analysis showed the proximity of D. saccharalis was 98%, D. considerata 99.5%, and E. loftini 99.5% to those in GenBank, which provides greater precision for identifying the specimens. D. considerata is reported for the first time in the South-central region of Tamaulipas State, Mexico using sequencing of its genome.

Se identificaron tres especies de barrenador de la caña de azúcar en tres localidades de la región centro-sur del estado de Tamaulipas, México, mediante la secuenciación del gen mitocondrial de la subunidad 1 de la citocromo oxidasa (COI), dos especies de Pyralidae Latreille, 1802: Diatraea saccharalis Fabricius, 1974 y D. considerata Heinrich, 1931 y una especie de Crambidae Latreille, 1810, Eoreuma loftini Dyar, 1917. Las secuencias de nucleótidos en GenBank tuvieron similitud con D. saccharalis del 95%, D. considerata del 95%, y E. loftini del 96%. El análisis de máxima verosimilitud mostró que la proximidad de D. saccharalis fue del 98%, D. considerata del 99.5%, y E. loftini del 99.5% con los datos del GenBank, lo que proporciona mayor precisión para identificar los ejemplares. Se reporta por primera vez a D. considerata para la región centro-sur del estado de Tamaulipas, México mediante la secuenciación de su genoma.

Hermelindo Hernández-Torres, Francisco Alejandro Paredes-Sánchez, Jesús Romero-Nápoles, Raúl Rodríguez-Herrera, and Joel Ávila-Valdez "Molecular Identification of Sugarcane Borers Based on Cytochrome Oxidase I in South-Central Region of Tamaulipas, México," Southwestern Entomologist 48(4), 939-950, (14 December 2023).
Published: 14 December 2023
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