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23 April 2024 First Record of the Rare Ant Genus Cylindromyrmex Mayr in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Jean-Paul Lachaud, Fayne Gabriela Estrella-Aranda, Erick Francisco Herrera-Urbano, Ximena Jaqueline Martínez-Granados, César Raziel Lucio-Palacio, Gabriela Pérez-Lachaud
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To assess ant species diversity at two sites near Bacalar, Quintana Roo, Mexico, sampling was conducted with trap nests, arboreal pitfall traps, manual collection, collection of dead branches and stems, and foliage beating. A single foraging dealate female of Cylindromyrmex whymperi (Cameron) was collected in a pitfall trap placed at a height of 2 m on a tree trunk. This is the first record of the genus Cylindromyrmex Mayr in Quintana Roo, and the third record of C. whymperi for Mexico where only three Cylindromyrmex species (C. brevitarsus Santschi, C. meinerti Forel, and C. whymperi) have been reported to date.

Para evaluar la diversidad de especies de hormigas en dos sitios cercanos a Bacalar, Quintana Roo, México, se realizaron muestreos con nidos trampa, trampas pitfall arbóreas, colecta manual, colecta de ramas y tallos muertos, y paraguas entomológico. En una trampa pitfall colocada a 2 m sobre un tronco de árbol, se colectó una única hembra desalada de Cylindromyrmex whymperi (Cameron) mientras forrajeaba. Este es el primer reporte del género Cylindromyrmex Mayr en Quintana Roo, y el tercer reporte de C. whymperi para México donde sólo tres especies de Cylindromyrmex (C. brevitarsus Santschi, C. meinerti Forel, y C. whymperi) han sido reportadas hasta la fecha.

Jean-Paul Lachaud, Fayne Gabriela Estrella-Aranda, Erick Francisco Herrera-Urbano, Ximena Jaqueline Martínez-Granados, César Raziel Lucio-Palacio, and Gabriela Pérez-Lachaud "First Record of the Rare Ant Genus Cylindromyrmex Mayr in Quintana Roo, Mexico," Southwestern Entomologist 49(2), 583-588, (23 April 2024).
Published: 23 April 2024
arboreal pitfall traps
cryptic ants
Cylindromyrmex whymperi
Cylindromyrmex whymperi
hormigas crípticas
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