The population of resident giant Canada geese (Branta canadensis maxima) has increased dramatically in eastern South Dakota since reintroduction efforts were initiated in the 1960s. In order to effectively manage this population of Canada geese, it is important to determine their reproductive success. We collected information on goose nesting success and related brood movements using Very High Frequency (VHF) telemetry. We captured Canada geese in seven counties in eastern South Dakota during summers, 2000–2003. The reproductive success of 88 females was monitored during spring 2001–2004. Half of the geese had successful nests, 20.5% were unsuccessful, and 29.5% did not attempt to nest. Apparent and Mayfield nesting success estimates averaged 71% and 63%, respectively. Overall egg success was 62.6% and overall hatching success was 88.8%. Mean total clutch size averaged 5.73 ± 0.17 while the number of goslings leaving the nest averaged 5.02 ± 0.25. Forty-nine percent of marked females nested on or around the shoreline of their previous summers capture wetland. The remaining 51% nested on peripheral wetlands ranging from seasonal wetlands to permanent lakes. Mean distance from the capture wetlands to nest sites across years was 1.5 km ± 0.18. Biologists need to consider long distance movement of giant Canada goose broods when making management decisions.
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1 October 2009
Reproductive Success and Brood Movements of Giant Canada Geese in Eastern South Dakota
Charles D Dieter,
Bobby J Anderson
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The American Midland Naturalist
Vol. 162 • No. 2
October 2009
Vol. 162 • No. 2
October 2009