The review process is essential to the maintenance of high scientific standards in a journal. The efforts of individual reviewers are remarkable, and we take this opportunity to acknowledge publicly those who contributed reviews during the period that Volume 125 was in preparation (reviews completed between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2008). Individuals who reviewed two or more manuscripts are signified by an asterisk. We also acknowledge the hard work of the Associate Editors, listed on the inside of the front cover of The Auk, whose impartial assessments of the manuscripts and the reviewers' comments provided the basis for the their recommendations to the Editor. Memorials and book reviews were solicited and managed by Alan H. Brush and R. Todd Engstrom, respectively.
Kenneth F. Abraham, Elizabeth Adkins-Regan, David G. Ainley *, José Luis Alcantara, Alexandre Aleixo, Ray Alisauskas *, Mathew W. Alldredge, Daniel W. Anderson, Brad A. Andres, Dan Ardia, Todd W. Arnold *, Jane E. Austin, Suzanne H. Austin, Patricia C. Baird, Myron C. Baker, Lisa T. Balance, Brian R. Barber, Christophe Barbraud, Anat Barnea, Erin M. Bayne, Jerzy Ba?bura, Guy Beauchamp, Kara Belinsky, Sara Bertelli, Marcello Bertellotti, Keith L. Bildstein, Timothy R. Birkhead, Jeffrey M. Black, Eric K. Bollinger *, Estelle Bourdon, Juan Bouzat, Melissa S. Bowlin, Reed Bowman, Michael J. Braun, Birgit Braune, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Leonard A. Brennan, Eli S. Bridge *, James V. Briskie, Barry W. Brook, Lesley C. Brooker *, Robert P. Brooks, David R. Brown, Mark Brown, Robb T. Brumfield, Stephen T. Buckland *, Sarah Bush, Ramiro O. Bustamante, Jason M. Byron, Gilles Chapdelaine, R. Terry Chesser, Carla Cicero, Jennifer A. Clarke, Ethan D. Clotfelter, Andrew Cockburn, Paul Conn, Michael J. Conroy, Courtney J. Conway *, Caren Cooper, Charlie K. Cornwallis, Timothy M. Crowe, Robert L. Curry, Francesca J. Cuthbert, C. B. Dabbert, Philip C. Darby, Stephen K. Davis *, Russell D. Dawson, D. Charles Deeming, André Desrochers, Randall Dettmers *, Andrew DeWoody, Duane R. Diefenbach *, Maurine W. Dietz, Stephen J. Dinsmore, F. Stephen Dobson, Amy C. Dolan, Kiel Drake, Mark C. Drever, Sergei Drovetski, Peter O. Dunn, Gareth J. Dyke, John McA. Eadie, Susan Earnst, Muir Eaton *, Jessica R. Eberhard, Laurie S. Eberhardt, Michael W. Eichholz, Craig R. Ely, Andrzej Elzanowski, Kjell Einar Erikstad, Cristian F. Estades *, Diane Evans-Mack, Jeanne Fair *, Jose M. Farina, George F. Farnsworth *, Alan Feduccia, Gustavo J. Fernandez, Maria Jose Fernandez, Esteban Fernandez-Juricic, Goncalo Ferraz, Robert J. Fletcher, Hugh A. Ford, Francois Fournier, William R. Fraser, Masami Fujiwara, Robert W. Furness *, Lenny Gannes, Pablo Garcia-Borboroglu, Peter J. Garson, Sandra L. Gaunt, Gilles Gauthier, Sidney A. Gauthreaux, Jr., Laurène Gay, Robert M. Gibson, Frank B. Gill, Robert E. Gill, Jr., Christopher B. Goguen, Franz Goller, Andrew G. Gosler, Ian Goudie, Gary R. Graves, Carole S. Griffiths, Joseph A. Grzybowski, Lars Gustafsson, Ralph J. Gutierrez, Carola A. Haas, Jack P. Hailman, Colleen M. Handel, Michael H. Hansell, Scott A. Hatch, Benjamin J. Hatchwell, Mark E. Hauber, Julie A. Heath, Percy N. Hébert, Dennis M. Heisey, Shandelle M. Henson, Luis Gerardo Herrera, Geoffrey E. Hill, Yves Hingrat, Keith A. Hobson *, Wesley M. Hochachka, Christopher M. Hofmann, Jacob Hoglund, Jeffrey P. Hoover, Peter Houde, David C. Houston *, Lawrence D. Igl, Louis Imbeau, Simone Immler, Jaime Jahncke, Fabian M. Jaksic, Tim Jardine, Jaime Jimenez, Kevin P. Johnson, Matthew Johnson, Andrew W. Jones, Jeffrey F. Kelly, William L. Kendall, Eric L. Kershner, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Rebecca T. Kimball *, David King *, Fritz L. Knopf *, Walter D. Koenig, Nicholas Komar, David N. Koons, Alan H. Krakauer, Rodger Kram, David G. Krementz, Michael Kuehn, Marcel M. Lambrechts, James O. Leafloor, Daniel W. Leger, Marty L. Leonard, Matthias Leu *, Douglas J. Levey, J. David Ligon, Mark S. Lindberg, William Link, Bette A. Loiselle, Michael P. Lombardo, Irby J. Lovette, James R. Lovvorn, Donald E. Lyons, Dena P. MacMynowski, Robert D. Magrath, R. William Mannan, James Marshall, Matthew R. Marshall, Thomas E. Martin, Terry L. Master, Gerald Mayr, John P. McCarty *, Conor P. McGowan, Kevin J. McGowan, Kevin J. McGraw, Carol L. McIntyre, Santiago Merino, Markus Mika, Craig D. Millar, Matthew J. Miller, Pat Monaghan, Jeffrey Moore, William S. Moore, Manuel B. Morales, Juan Moreno, Molly Morris, Sara R. Morris, Joan L. Morrison, Michael L. Morrison, R. I. Guy Morrison, Dana Moseley *, Robert G. Moyle, Robert S. Mulvihill, Ronald L. Mumme, Michael T. Murphy *, Juan J. Negro *, Joe Neigel, Wesley Newton, James D. Nichols, Ryan M. Nielson *, Jacqueline K. Nooker, Christopher J. Norment, D. Ryan Norris, Timothy H. Parker *, Eben H. Paxton, Robert B. Payne, John M. Pearce, Aaron Pearse, Scott F. Pearson, Craig M. Pease, Peter Pechacek, Grey W. Pendleton, Jorge L. Pérez-Emán, Bruce Peterjohn, Jeffrey L. Peters, A. Townsend Peterson *, Richard A. Phillips, Kenneth H. Pollock, Herman D. Pontzer, Brigitte Poulin, George V. N. Powell, Maria Prager, Vladimir Pravosudov, Trevor D. Price, Heather C. Proctor, Glenn A. Proudfoot, Marisa Puerta, Bruce H. Pugesek, Peter Pyle, Ettore Randi, John H. Rappole *, Pamela C. Rasmussen, Juan C. Reboreda, Sebastien Regnaut, Sharon D. Reid, William K. Reisen, J. Van Remsen, Jr. *, Marco Restani, Mia R. Revels, Christine A. Ribic, Robert E. Ricklefs *, Joseph R. Robb *, Gregory J. Robertson, Raleigh J. Robertson, Scott K. Robinson, Robert F. Rockwell, Nicholas L. Rodenhouse *, Sievert Rohwer, Christopher M. Rogers, Daniel K. Rosenberg, Stephen I. Rothstein, Dustin Rubenstein, Stan Rullman, Thomas B. Ryder, Rebecca Safran, Miguel Saggese, Rex Sallabanks, Brett K. Sandercock *, Glen Sargeant, Daniel M. Scheiman, Joel A. Schmutz, Eric G. Schneider, Gary D. Schnell, Thomas S. Schulenberg, Peter E. Scott, James A. Sedgwick, James S. Sedinger, Cagan Sekercioglu, Matthew D. Shawkey, Steve Sheffield, Fred H. Sheldon, Dave Shutler, T. Scott Sillett *, Theodore R. Simons, Adam Smith, Judit E. Smits, Mark K. Sogge, Sarah Sonsthagen, Michael D. Sorenson, Garth Spellman, Claire N. Spottiswoode, Peter R. Stettenheim, Ian Stewart, Scott H. Stoleson, Allan Strong, Robert M. Suryan, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Keith Tarvin, Ethan J. Temeles *, Bill Thompson, Christopher W. Thompson *, Pepper W. Trail, Jill M. Trainer, Elaina Tuttle, J. Albert C. Uy, Rachel Vallender, Evi Van Den Steen, Marcel van Tuinen, James C. Vanden Berge, Richard R. Veit, Carol M. Vleck, Peter D. Vickery *, Kerri T. Vierling, Marc Andre Villard, Andrew C. Vitz, Eric L. Walters, Ian G. Warkentin, Nils Warnock, Michael S. Webster *, Henri Weimerkirsch, Nathaniel T. Wheelwright *, Joanna Whittier, Karen F. Wiebe, Dean A. Williams, Ernest J. Willoughby, Mary F. Willson, Kevin Winker, Maiken Winter, Blair O. Wolf, Larry L. Wolf, Timothy F. Wright, and Stavros M. Xirouchakis.