Two resinicolous species, Chaenothecopsis dolichocephala and Chaenothecopsis resinicola, are reported as new to North America and Chaenothecopsis nigra and Chaenothecopsis subparoica are reported as new to its eastern half. The questioned occurrence of Calicium adspersum in eastern North America is resolved with the identification of specimens collected in Maryland in 1909, as well as recent specimens from Maine and Tennessee. Mycocalicium fuscipes is reported for the first time since 1872, in New Brunswick; Chaenothecopsis norstictica, a species described from Georgia and Florida, is reported for Maine; Chaenothecopsis edbergii is reported for Nova Scotia and for the first time in the southeastern United States; the ranges of Chaenothecopsis brevipes and Phaeocalicium minutissimum are significantly expanded; and Chaenothecopsis thujae, a misnomer for Chaenothecopsis tsugae, is recommended for delisting from the North American lichen checklist.