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8 June 2018 A new lichenicolous species of Toninia (Ramalinaceae) on Dermatocarpon in central North America
Douglas Ladd, Caleb A. Morse
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Toninia tecta, a non-lichenized obligately lichenicolous fungus, is described new to science. The species is known from several sites in midcontinental North America. Toninia tecta has an endokapylic thallus with dark superficial apothecia restricted to the sheltered undersides of thalli of saxicolous umbilicate species of Dermatocarpon. The new species is characterized by 3-septate ellipsoid ascospores, elongate filiform conidiospores, a reddish brown hypothecium and grey to greenish epithecium that reacts KOH–, HNO3 violet. Features of the species are compared with those of other lichenicolous taxa in the genus.

Copyright ©2018 by The American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
Douglas Ladd and Caleb A. Morse "A new lichenicolous species of Toninia (Ramalinaceae) on Dermatocarpon in central North America," The Bryologist 121(2), 214-220, (8 June 2018).
Received: 6 March 2018; Accepted: 2 May 2018; Published: 8 June 2018
central North American grasslands
lichenicolous fungi
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