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25 July 2018 An integrative perspective into diversity in Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, Ascomycota), including a new species from the Great Basin, U.S.A.
Steven D. Leavitt, Clayton C. Newberry, Jason Hollinger, Benjamin Wright, Larry L. St. Clair
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A broad range of morphological variation is known to occur within the lichen-forming fungal genus Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, Ascomycota). In this study, we investigated the relationships of a number of interesting Acarospora collections from western North America using morphological, chemical and molecular sequence data. Our results revealed patterns of apparent convergence of some morphologies traditionally considered a single taxon, coupled with a striking range of morphological disparity within other lineages. Based on the results of this study, a species of lichen-forming fungi, Acarospora tintickiana sp. nov., is formally described as new to science, occurring on hard limestone substrates in the Great Basin of western North America. Furthermore, a number of additional candidate species are recognized and merit additional research before formal taxonomic recognition. This study highlights the importance of implementing an integrative taxonomic approach, incorporating a broad range of data, including molecular sequence data, for diagnosing evolutionarily independent species-level lineages in lichen-forming fungi.

the American Bryological and Lichenological Society, Inc.
Steven D. Leavitt, Clayton C. Newberry, Jason Hollinger, Benjamin Wright, and Larry L. St. Clair "An integrative perspective into diversity in Acarospora (Acarosporaceae, Ascomycota), including a new species from the Great Basin, U.S.A.," The Bryologist 121(3), 275-285, (25 July 2018).
Received: 19 February 2018; Accepted: 16 June 2018; Published: 25 July 2018
A. strigata
A. tintickiana sp. nov.
Acarospora nevadensis
Great Basin
Integrative taxonomy
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