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2 November 2006 Colydiidae (Coleoptera) in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and Maine in the United States
Christopher G. Majka, Joyce Cook, Jeffrey Ogden
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The beetle family Colydiidae in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and in Maine in the United States is surveyed. Two species, Lasconotus borealis Horn and Synchita fuliginosa Melsheimer, are newly recorded from Nova Scotia. Records of L. borealis in New Brunswick are also reported, as are those of S. fuliginosa from Maine. The distribution and bionomics of both species are discussed. The fauna is briefly evaluated in the context of saproxylic beetles in general, and in particular in relation to the impact of forest management practices on such species. The possibility of Colydiidae occurring on Prince Edward Island is briefly discussed.

Christopher G. Majka, Joyce Cook, and Jeffrey Ogden "Colydiidae (Coleoptera) in the Maritime Provinces of Canada and Maine in the United States," The Coleopterists Bulletin 60(3), 225-229, (2 November 2006).
Received: 2 April 2006; Accepted: 1 June 2006; Published: 2 November 2006
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