We examined the distribution of adult Buprestidae and Cerambycidae in the Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest in the Little Belt Mountains of central Montana, U.S.A., using pan traps and sweep samples on different species of flowering plants. Using several methods during multi-year (2001–2004), summer-long surveys, we documented the presence of adults of three species of Buprestidae and ten Cerambycidae. Pan traps were placed along transects within meadows, unlogged lodgepole pine forests, and in differentially-logged plots initially logged in 1999–2000 and managed by the U.S. Forest Service. Results from pan trap samples support the conclusion that, compared to unlogged plots and meadows, adult buprestids and cerambycids were more abundant in the shelterwood areas after 2001, perhaps because of the greater abundance of decaying wood in the logged areas. Cerambycids, particularly Cosmosalia chrysocoma (Kirby) and Gnathacmaeops pratensis (Laicharting), were also commonly collected on flowers, and were most likely to be found on those with white blossoms and readily accessible nectar and pollen.
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1 March 2008
Distribution of Adult Cerambycidae and Buprestidae (Coleoptera) in a Subalpine Forest under Shelterwood Management
Kevin M. O'Neill,
Jessica E. Fultz,
Michael A. Ivie