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19 September 2024 White-eyed, red-handed: Novel observations of nest material kleptoparasitism by Bridled White-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus) on Tinian Island, Northern Mariana Islands
Kaeli Swift, Fletcher Moore, Beth Gardner
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To reduce costs associated with nest building, some birds steal (kleptoparasitize) nest material. While this behavior is rarely reported in solitary nesting birds, it has been previously documented in 2 species of white-eyes, the Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus) and the Indian White-eye (Z. palpebrosus). During surveys for Tinian Monarchs (Monarcha takatsukasae) on Tinian Island in the Northern Mariana Islands, we documented nest material kleptoparasitism by the Bridled White-eye (Z. conspicillatus). Through camera-trap footage and real-time observation, we observed Bridled White-eyes stealing material from 2 other forest bird species: the Micronesian Rufous Fantail (Rhipidura versicolor; n = 1 observation) and Tinian Monarch (n = 7). We documented nest material piracy during multiple nesting phases including building, incubation, and post-fledge, and from abandoned and depredated nests. This behavior was previously undocumented in the Bridled White-eye, and nest material kleptoparasitism is not documented in any other forest birds in the Mariana Islands. Kleptoparasitism of nest material has been known to cause destruction or abandonment of the host's nest. Given the potential implications of nest material kleptoparasitism on host nesting behavior and success, and that the Bridled White-eye is estimated to be the most abundant forest bird on Tinian, our observations warrant inquiry into how this behavior could be affecting the broader ecology of forest birds in the Mariana Islands.

Guaha' påluma ni ma å'åmot måteriat ginen otru na chonchon pat gi otru n finihu', ma kleptoparasitize i materiat (kleptoparasitize - betbu/kleptoparasitism – nå'an: esti na palåbra kumekeilelek-ña i chinile' yan i usun materiat ni esta mana'setbe gi otru na chonchon) para u ma na'libiånu mama'chonchon ya para u na'ribåha lokkue' i tiempo para u ma e'materiat. Achokka' hassan esti na bida masusedi gi ayu na klåsen paluma ni manmama'chonchon na maisa, malili'e' esti na aktibidåt gi dos na espisis nosa', i nosa' Hapon (Zosterops japonicus), yan i nosa' India (Z. palpebrosus). In dokumenta i kleptoparasitism gi nosa' (Z. conspicillatus) annai in chechegue' inaligaon i chichirikan Tini'an (Monarcha takatsukasae) gi iya Tini'an gi i Sankattan na Islas Mariånas. In li'e' i nosa' manmañåñåkki måteriat ginen i chenchon dos na espsis påluma: patitkulamenti i na'abak (Gu/Lu/Ti/Sa)/burike' ande'(Lu)/chichirika(Gu/Ti/Sa) (Micronesian Rufous Fantail/Rhipidura rufifrons; n = 1 kuentas ni mali'e'), yan i chichirikan Tini'an (n = 6). In dokumenta I kleptoparasitism gi i tiempon mañåda' enteramente, achokka' mama'chonchon i paluma, kumuleleka i paluma, despues di ma dingu i chenchon i pechon, yan lokkue' gi eyu na chonchon ni esta maabandona. Ti dine-kumenta esti na aktibidåt gi i nosa' åntes di in li'e', yan lokkue' ti madokumenta i kleptoparasitism gi otru na espesis påluman hålomtåno' guini gi i islas Mariånas. Matungo' ha' na i kleptoparasitism siña' ha distrosa i chenchon ni ma chuchule' i materiåt, pat o sinó ha ma abandona i paluma ni chenchon-ñiha. Debi di maestudiåyi taimanu inafefekta i lina'la' påluman hålomtåno' ni kleptoparasitism guini gi i islas Mariånas sa' siña' i kleptoparasitism ginen i nosa' (mat-ataha na guiya i mas abundånsia na påluman hålomtåno' guini giya Tini'an) u mås ha na'chatsaga' i tiempon mañåda' asta i uttimo-ña.

Pålåbra na månglo′: i ga′ga′ ni ma såsåkki måteriat chonchon, Islas Mariånas, i tiempun mañåda′, Nosa', mañåkki, påluman hålumtånu′, ti pårehu na espisis.

Kaeli Swift, Fletcher Moore, and Beth Gardner "White-eyed, red-handed: Novel observations of nest material kleptoparasitism by Bridled White-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus) on Tinian Island, Northern Mariana Islands," The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 136(3), 356-359, (19 September 2024).
Received: 13 July 2023; Accepted: 17 June 2024; Published: 19 September 2024
Mariana Islands
nest material kleptoparasite
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