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1 May 2018 Temporal and Spatial Variation in Precipitation Seasonality for Kansas
Caitlin Dye, Ian Howard, John Harrington Jr.
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A considerable amount of research work on climate change is being done to examine what has happened in the recorded past and what might happen throughout the remainder of the 21st Century. While the data for trends in the temperature record tend to be more straightforward, what has and will happen with precipitation change is less clear. However, there is the suggestion that wet places will get wetter and dry places with become more arid.

Research by others suggests that extreme daily precipitation amounts in Kansas are trending upward. This research addresses the observational record of change in precipitation seasonality, a little-studied aspect of global climate variability and the related impact on moisture delivery. Monthly precipitation data were summed to provide seasonal totals and seasonal percentages of the annual total were calculated. Using data for the nine Climate Divisions within Kansas for the period from 1895–2014, the results from this analysis indicate that much of Kansas has a winter-dry climate. Over the period of record, there has been a tendency for the spring months of March, April, and May to gain a greater share of the annual total. Geographic variation across the state indicates a west-to-east gradient with greater seasonality in the west and a greater increase in spring and summer precipitation in eastern Kansas.

Caitlin Dye, Ian Howard, and John Harrington Jr. "Temporal and Spatial Variation in Precipitation Seasonality for Kansas," Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 121(1-2), 153-159, (1 May 2018).
Published: 1 May 2018
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