Color-infrared (CIR) photography has been utilized often for many scientific and environmental applications since the mid-twentieth century. For the past two decades, the authors have developed techniques for CIR kite aerial photography, first with an analog (film) camera, then with an early digital camera, and now with a much improved digital camera. The Sony α6000 model is a compact, digital, mirrorless, single-lensreflex (SLR) camera that is specially modified for CIR; it records blue, green, and nearinfrared wavelengths that are depicted respectively as blue, green, and red in false-color format. Active, emergent vegetation appears orange in this format, in contrast to the red-pink color of vegetation in traditional CIR images. The Sony α6000 camera provides 24-megapixel images that are visually sharp and clear. Kites, blimps, and UAS (drones) have different technical characteristics and legal status and, thus, play distinct roles for small-format aerial photography.
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1 September 2018
Color-Infrared Kite Aerial Photography with a Mirrorless Digital SLR Camera
James S. Aber,
Toshiro Nagasako
aerial photography
antisolar point
Color infrared
sun glint