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1 December 2021 Vagrancy Occurrences in Sora (Porzana Carolina)
Auriel M.V. Fournier
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Observations of individuals in unexpected places, often outside their known geographic range or in an unexpected part of their range seasonally, help better understand how individuals move across and use the landscape. Rallids (Family Rallidae) are a globally distributed family of birds which are well known for having vagrant individuals and to undertake mixed migration strategies. In this study, museum specimens and other records of Sora (Porzana carolina) outside of the western hemisphere are examined, along with individuals recovered outside of the breeding geographic range during Sora's typical breeding season (June–July). There were 5 museum specimens found outside the typical breeding range during the typical breeding season, 30 records from outside the typical breeding range during the typical breeding season, and 3 records outside of the Americas. Vagrancy and changes are possible pathways through which bird species may adapt to a changing climates and environments. Therefore, documentation and study of these vagrant movements is important to our overall understanding of rallid biology and will contribute to their conservation in the future.

Auriel M.V. Fournier "Vagrancy Occurrences in Sora (Porzana Carolina)," Waterbirds 44(4), 539-543, (1 December 2021).
Received: 8 November 2019; Accepted: 30 December 2020; Published: 1 December 2021
museum specimen
natural history collections
Porzana carolina
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