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6 March 2014 On the identity of Centaurea paradoxa (Asteraceae, Cardueae, Centaureinae) from Iran
Massoud Ranjbar, Kazem Negaresh
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New findings and a revised description are presented for Klasea sect. Leuzeopsis (Boriss.) L. Martins (Asteraceae, Cardueae, Centaureinae). This previously monotypic section now contains one more species: K. paradoxa (Mozaff.) Ranjbar & Negaresh, which is proposed here as a new combination. Lectotypes are designated for Leuzea serratuloides Fisch. & C. A. Mey. ex DC. (K. serratuloides (Fisch. & C. A. Mey. ex DC.) Greuter & Wagenitz) and two of its synonyms. Descriptions, distributions, ecology and illustrations for both species are given, as is the conservation status for K. paradoxa. The differences between the two species are tabulated and an identification key is provided. The geographical distributions of the two species are mapped.

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© 2014 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Massoud Ranjbar and Kazem Negaresh "On the identity of Centaurea paradoxa (Asteraceae, Cardueae, Centaureinae) from Iran," Willdenowia 44(1), 13-20, (6 March 2014).
Published: 6 March 2014
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