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Peer-Reviewed Research to Inform the Coronavirus Crisis

Peer-reviewed scholarly research and research libraries are trusted guides during times of scientific uncertainty. As the world navigates the COVID-19 pandemic, BioOne is proud to share the wealth of relevant content from our publishing partners to provide support for those working on solutions for this global crisis.

In collaboration with the Association of Research Libraries, BioOne and our publishers have made articles related to coronavirus in the following journals available via open access through 2020:

Publisher: American Association of Avian Pathologists

Publisher: Wildlife Disease Association

Publisher: American Association of Zoo Veterinarians

You will find additional relevant articles related to the coronavirus and pandemics on BioOne Complete.

Additionally, there are several articles on COVID-19 in BioOne Complete.

Resources from our Library Partners

The Association of Research Libraries has compiled COVID-19 news and resource pages from their member libraries and their parent institutions. These lists are updated daily.

Remote Access

BioOne Complete makes remote access easy, to support your patrons even when they are away from work or school:

Resources to Reach Users

If you are interested in reaching your users to share this information, BioOne offers resources to help promote your subscription. We have several items available for your use, including user guides, flyers, and descriptive text.

Platform tip: The BioOne Complete platform features Google Translate, which allows researchers from all over the globe to access content in 108 languages including Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Korean, and Arabic.
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