Publisher: KwaZulu-Natal Museum

Below are lists of this title's Most Read and Most Recently Cited articles. The Most Read articles are the articles which have been downloaded the most on the new platform. The Most Recently Cited articles list uses Crossref cited-by data (downloaded on the 1st and 15th of each month) to automatically identify papers which have received the most new citations over the last month. The articles that appear here are not those which have received the most citations in total, but rather the articles which have been cited most often most recently.
In Honor of Brian Stuckenberg: Two New Spheginobaccha Species of Flower Flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) from the Afrotropics
F. Christian Thompson, et al. (2015)
A review of the genus Philodicus Loew, 1848 in Southern Africa (Diptera: Asilidae)
Jason G. H. Londt. (2015)
New Data on the Jumping Spiders of South Africa (Araneae: Salticidae)
Wanda Wesołowska, et al. (2013)
Fig Wasps (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae, Pteromalidae) Associated with Asian Fig Trees (Ficus, Moraceae) in Southern Africa: Asian Followers and African Colonists
Simon van Noort, et al. (2013)
Review of Pugilina from the Atlantic, with Description of a New Species from Brazil (Neogastropoda, Melongenidae)
Daniel Abbate, et al. (2015)
Genetic Diversity of Maghrebian Hottentotta (Scorpiones: Buthidae) Scorpions Based on CO1: New Insights on the Genus Phylogeny and Distribution
Pedro Sousa, et al. (2011)
Predicting the Geographic Distribution of Lucilia sericata and Lucilia cuprina (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in South Africa
K.A. Williams, et al. (2014)
Polydora and Dipolydora (Polychaeta: Spionidae) Associated with Molluscs on the South Coast of South Africa, with Descriptions of Two New Species
Carol A. Simon. (2011)
New Species and New Records of Jumping Spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) from Central South Africa
Charles R. Haddad, et al. (2011)