Michael S. Engel, Abdulaziz S. Alqarni, Mohammed A. Hannan, Ismael A. Hinojosa-Díaz, Charles D. Michener
American Museum Novitates 2014 (3801), 1-15, (29 April 2014) https://doi.org/10.1206/3801.1
An interesting new species of allodapine bee (Xylocopinae: Allodapini: Allodapina) is described and figured from males and females captured in the Sarawat Mountains near al-Baha, representing the first records of the tribe for Saudi Arabia. Braunsapis alqarnii Engel and Michener, new species, is similar to the small species of the genus known from Africa and Madagascar but is distinguished on the basis of several features, most notably the male hind legs and terminalia. Notes are provided on the known allodapine fauna of the Arabian Peninsula, with a key to the species.