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14 June 2024 Spider assemblages (Arachnida: Araneae) in burned and intact mountain heathlands in the Northern Black Forest
Hubert Höfer, Florian Raub
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In a study originally motivated by the observation of effects of an accidental fire, spiders were sampled with pitfall traps during the vegetation periods 2010, 2012 and 2014 in two burned sites and a neighbouring reference site in the Northern Black Forest. Fire was caused by a motorbike accident at April 25, 2010 and affected approximately one ha of wet mountain heathland (locally called “Grinden”), partly dominated by purple moor-grass and partly by dwarf mountain pines. Pitfall traps were of the conventional type with plastic cups of 300 ml and an opening diameter of 67 mm, filled with a capture preservative and emptied every two weeks. Traps were protected against rain by non-transparent metallic roofs and plastic funnels were inserted in the cups to minimize capture of small vertebrates. In 2010, acetic acid was used in a 2.5% solution with a drop of detergent added in five traps per site. In 2012, in each site three traps were filled with acetic acid, three (six in control site) with propylene glycol. In 2014, five traps per site were filled with propylene glycol. Distance between traps was 5–10 m. The dataset includes 2566 (2018 adult) spiders of 102 species in 20 families. The study provided records of several species by then unrecorded or very rare in Baden-Württemberg: Agyneta ressli, Anguliphantes tripartitus, Evansia merens, Gonatium paradoxum, Sintula corniger, Achaeridion conigerum, Sibianor larae, Talavera inopinata and contributed to the inventory of spider species in the national park Black Forest.

The complete data sets and metadata corresponding to abstracts of a Data Paper are published electronically as  Supporting Information (AM67_53_md.pdf) in the online version of the article and through the ARAMOB data repository at – Filter for Project ARAMIT_Höfer2024.

Hubert Höfer and Florian Raub "Spider assemblages (Arachnida: Araneae) in burned and intact mountain heathlands in the Northern Black Forest," Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters 67(1), 1, (14 June 2024).
Received: 6 May 2024; Accepted: 6 June 2024; Published: 14 June 2024
National Park
wet heath
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