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10 July 2023 A suite of behavioural and morphological traits camouflage Allocyclosa bifurca (McCook, 1887) (Araneae: Araneidae)
William G. Eberhard
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Several traits of adult female Allocyclosa bifurca, including the forms and the colours of the dorsal and the ventral sides of the abdomen that match bumpy and smooth surfaces and associated colours of the two sides of the egg sac, the colours and positions of the spider's legs and the spiders' prey wrapping behaviour and their orientation of prey packages while they feed all increase the match with the overall shapes and colours of the egg sacs, visually camouflaging the spider at the hub of its orb. This camouflage is partially broken in two contexts: apparent attempts to avoid overheating in direct sunlight, and feeding. Neither a predatory bird nor a parasitoid wasp showed signs of being fooled by the camouflage.

William G. Eberhard "A suite of behavioural and morphological traits camouflage Allocyclosa bifurca (McCook, 1887) (Araneae: Araneidae)," Arachnology 19(5), 809-815, (10 July 2023).
Published: 10 July 2023
egg sac
feeding behaviour
leg positions
wrapping behaviour
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