In the subarctic environment, shortage of nitrogen is common and may have immediate effects on tree survival via lowered photosynthetic capacity in cold periods. Yet, despite the critical role of nitrogen, the subarctic tree mountain birch [Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii (Orlova) Hämet-Ahti] shows remarkable variability in tree architecture and leaf traits, which affect its nitrogen use and its ability to capture light. It is possible that intraspecific variation in these traits exhibits alternative strategies for maintaining efficient nitrogen use, provided it results in equal efficiency despite variation in the underlying traits, but true differences between tree individuals may also exist.
Computer simulations were used to investigate how daily photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (DPNUE) and the potential rate of photosynthesis (Pmax) of whole birch trees depend on tree architecture, the area or number of leaves per shoot, or nitrogen invested per leaf. The simulations showed that mountain birch has the potential to achieve an equal Pmaxor DPNUE by adjusting variation in many traits, but the potential was not realized as a large amount of variation remained when leaf traits measured in the field were used to estimate DPNUE and Pmax. Trade-offs between Pmax, DPNUE, and other tree functions such as resistance to herbivores, growth, maintenance, or reproduction are likely causes for variation.