VOL. 63 · NO. 5 | December 2015

Articles (8)
E. Kelly, S. Gibson-Kueh
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 293-299, (30 October 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15040
KEYWORDS: Cytochemistry, leukocytes, PAS-GL
Rowan H. McGinley, Vivian Mendez, Phillip W. Taylor
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 300-319, (12 November 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15032
Andrey Giljov, Karina Karenina, Margaret Hawkins, Yegor Malashichev
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 320-323, (30 October 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15043
KEYWORDS: feeding, hand preference, handedness, lateralisation, long-beaked echidna, manual laterality
Christopher I. MacGregor, Ross B. Cunningham, David B. Lindenmayer
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 324-330, (4 November 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15039
Brian D. Kearney, Phillip G. Byrne, Richard D. Reina
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 331-337, (16 November 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15017
KEYWORDS: Adaptation, Anthropogenic disturbance, Litoria ewingii, metamorphosis, toxicology
D. C. D. Happold
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 338-349, (17 December 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15033
KEYWORDS: Australia, dasyurid, demography, rodents, Subalpine
Wayne A. Houston, William Aspden, Robert Black, Rod Elder, Ian Carruthers, Lorelle Campbell, Leif Black
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 350-356, (14 December 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15047
KEYWORDS: arid-adapted, colonisation, marine plains, mtDNA, population structure, recovery management, Wetlands, wet–dry tropics
Q. R. Ollivier, N. A. Bramwell, E. Hammill, C. Foster-Thorpe, D. J. Booth
Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5), 357-363, (17 December 2015) https://doi.org/10.1071/ZO15057
KEYWORDS: benthic invertebrate, edge effects, rocky algal reef, sandy substrate
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