The Holarctic coelotine spiders are revised at the generic level. Coelotine morphology, particularly genitalic morphology, is described, the subfamily and generic limits are defined, and a cladistic hypothesis of generic relationships is presented.
The subfamily Coelotinae is defined to include 20 genera and 277 species. The 20 genera are: Ambanus Ovtchinnikov, 1999, with 18 species from far eastern Russia, northeastern China, Japan, and Korea (including 6 new combinations); Asiacoelotes, new genus, with 15 East Asian species (all new combinations, with 3 new synonyms); Bifidocoelotes, new genus, with 2 species from China (both new combinations); Coelotes Blackwall, 1841, with 123 species from Europe and Asia (including 2 new synonyms); Coras Simon, 1898, with 15 North American species and 2 species from China; Coronilla Wang, 1994, with 2 species from China (including 2 new synonyms); Draconarius Ovtchinnikov, 1999, with 26 Asian species (including 25 new combinations and 1 new synonym); Eurocoelotes, new genus, with 11 European species (all new combinations); Femoracoelotes, new genus, with 2 species from Taiwan (both new combinations); Himalcoelotes, new genus, fully revised here, with 10 species from the Himalayas (including 2 new combinations and 8 new species); Leptocoelotes, new genus, with 2 species from China (both new combinations); Longicoelotes, new genus, with 1 new species from China; Paracoelotes Brignoli, 1982, with 16 European and Asian species (including 5 new combinations and 5 new synonyms); Platocoelotes, new genus, with 4 species from China (all new combinations); Robusticoelotes, new genus, with 1 newly combined species from China; Spiricoelotes, new genus, with 2 East Asian species (both new combinations); Tegecoelotes Ovtchinnikov, 1999, with 5 species from far eastern Russia, northeastern China, Japan, and Korea (including 4 new combinations); Tonsilla Wang and Yin, 1992, with 3 species from China; Urocoras Ovtchinnikov, 1999, with 5 species from East Europe (including 2 new combinations); and Wadotes Chamberlin, 1925, with 11 species from North American and 1 from China.