VOL. 93 · NO. 2 | June 2013
B. J. Awda, S. P. Miller, Y. R. Montanholi, G. Vander Voort, T. Caldwell, M. M. Buhr, K. C. Swanson
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 185-192, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-092
KEYWORDS: beef cattle, body composition, bull fertility, feed efficiency, Sperm quality, bovins de boucherie, composition corporelle, fertilité des taureaux, efficacité alimentaire, qualité du sperme
Michael Vinsky, Khandker Islam, Liuhong Chen, Changxi Li
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 193-197, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-115
KEYWORDS: beef cattle, residual feed intake, candidate gene, oxidized low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor, single nucleotide polymorphism, bovins de boucherie, ingestion des aliments résiduelle, gène candidat, oxidized low density lipoprotein (lectin-like) receptor, polymorphisme mononucléotidique
T. J. McEvers, L. C. Dorin, J. L. Berg, G. F. Royan, J. P. Hutcheson, G. D. Appleyard, M. S. Brown, T. E. Lawrence
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 199-204, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-121
KEYWORDS: beef, leptin, growth, zilpaterol hydrochloride, bœuf, leptine, croissance, chlorhydrate de zilpatérol
C. P. Campbell, J. Haley, K. C. Swanson, I. B. Mandell
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 205-215, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-147
KEYWORDS: Veal, grain-fed, tenderness, shrink, shear force, colour, veau, veau de grain, tendreté, force de cisaillement, couleur
M. Mason, E. J. Cuadra, T. H. Elsasser, J. Lopez, J. Yoonsung
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 217-225, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-099
KEYWORDS: PGF2a, prostaglandin F2alpha, TNF-a, Cortisol, progesterone, survival transferred embryos, TNF-a, Cortisol, progestérone, survie des embryons transplantés
F. Loisel, H. Quesnel, C. Farmer
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 227-230, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-024
KEYWORDS: Cyclic sow, plant extract, prolactin, silymarin, Truie cyclique, extrait végétal, prolactine, silymarine
Luisa Pozzo, Martina Tarantola, Elena Biasibetti, Maria Teresa Capucchio, Maddalena Pagella, Elisabetta Mellia, Stefania Bergagna, Maria Silvia Gennero, Giuseppe Strazzullo, Achille Schiavone
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 231-241, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-081
KEYWORDS: Broiler chicken, lycopene, hemato-biochemical parameters, histological lesions, poulet de chair, lycopène, paramètres hémato-biochimiques, lésions histologiques
H. Lu, S. A. Adedokun, A. Preynat, V. Legrand-Defretin, P. A. Geraert, O. Adeola, K. M. Ajuwon
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 243-249, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-138
KEYWORDS: Broiler chicken, carbohydrase, phytase, nutrient digestibility, poulets de chair, carbohydrase, phytase, digestibilité des éléments nutritifs
W. Z. Yang, M. Oba, T. A. McAllister
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 251-260, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-132
KEYWORDS: Barley grain, digestibility, precision processing, quality, ruminal pH, steers, Orge, digestibilité, transformation de précision, qualité, pH du rumen, bouvillons
N. Schlau, L. Duineveld, W. Z. Yang, T. A. McAllister, M. Oba
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 261-268, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-133
KEYWORDS: dairy cows, precision processing, grain quality, ruminal pH, digestibility, milk production, vache laitière, transformation de précision, qualité du grain, pH du rumen, digestibilité, production laitière
M. L. He, D. Gibb, J. J. McKinnon, T. A. McAllister
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 269-280, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-090
KEYWORDS: canola meal, beef cattle, growth performance, carcass quality, fatty acid profile, tourteau de canola, bovins de boucherie, performance à la croissance, qualité de lacarcasse, profil des acides gras
W. Z. Yang, L. Xu, C. Li, K. A. Beauchemin
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 281-286, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-146
KEYWORDS: Backgrounded beef cattle, protein source, growth performance, Bovins de boucherie semi-finis, source de protéines, croissance
Diego Andres Velasco Acosta, Luiz Francisco Machado Pfeifer, Eduardo Schmitt, Augusto Schneider, Pedro Augusto Silva Silveira, Carolina Bespalhok Jacometo, Cassio Cassal Brauner, Viviane Rohrig Rabassa, Marcio Nunes Corrêa, Francisco A. B. Del Pino
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 287-292, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2012-118
KEYWORDS: Somatotropin, heifers, non-esterified fatty acid, ß-hydroxybutyrates, Somatotropine, génisses, acides gras non estérifiés, ß-hydroxybutyrates
Canadian Journal of Animal Science 93 (2), 293-294, (1 June 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJAS2013-500
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