Jennifer W. Mitchell Fetch, Martin Entz, Stephen L. Fox, Dean Spaner, Katherine Stanley, Michelle Carkner, T.G. Fetch Jr., C.A. McCartney, J.G. Menzies, X. Wang, N. Ames, K.T. Nilsen, A. Burt, S. Kumar, K.D. Hamilton, D.A. Green, W. Dyck, K. Stewart, B. Cormack
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 102 (6), 1225-1231, (2 September 2022)
KEYWORDS: oat, Avena sativa L., Cultivar description, milling oat, organic, avoine, Avena sativa L., description de cultivar, avoine de mouture, biologique
AAC Kongsore is a white-hulled spring oat (Avena sativa L.) cultivar selected and developed under organic management. AAC Kongsore had high yields under organic and conventional production systems, compared to check cultivars (AAC Oravena, Leggett, AC Morgan and CDC Dancer). AAC Kongsore has good physical and milling quality traits.