Rahman, H., Stringam, G. R. and Degenhardt, D. F. 2011. 72P01 CL Clearfield herbicide-tolerant spring canola. Can J. Plant Sci. 91: 527-528. 72P01 CL is a Clearfield herbicide-tolerant canola-quality Brassica napus L. cultivar registered in Canada in 2007. On average, 72P01 CL yielded 7% more seed and flowered 2 d earlier than the WCC/RRC check cultivars. Seed oil and meal protein content of 72P01 CL are similar to the WCC/RRC checks. Thus, 72P01 CL combines high seed yield with earliness of flowering, while retaining other desired traits at an acceptable level.
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1 May 2011
72P01 CL Clearfield herbicide-tolerant spring canola
H. Rahman,
G. R. Stringam,
D. F. Degenhardt,
D. F. Degenhardt
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Canadian Journal of Plant Science
Vol. 91 • No. 3
May 2011
Vol. 91 • No. 3
May 2011
Brassica napus
Brassica napus
Cultivar description