VOL. 94 · NO. 3 | March 2014
Peter A. Burnett
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 481-484, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-249
No abstract available
Daniel J. Perry, Ursla Fernando, Sung-Jong Lee
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 485-496, (16 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-2221
KEYWORDS: barley, simple sequence repeats, microsatellites, variety identification, cultivar identification, Orge, microsatellites, SSR, différenciation des variétés, identification du cultivar
T. Demeke, D. J. Perry
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 497-507, (16 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-219
KEYWORDS: Genetically engineered, detection methods, low level presence, tolerance, polymerase chain reaction, Génétiquement modifié, méthodes de détection, présence en faible concentration, tolérance, réaction en chaîne par la polymérase
Marta S. Izydorczyk, Tricia McMillan, Sharon Bazin, Jerry Kletke, Len Dushnicky, James Dexter
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 509-524, (16 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-234
KEYWORDS: buckwheat, milling, rutin, fagopyritols, dietary fibre, buckwheat flour, bran, Sarrasin, mouture, rutine, fagopyritols, fibres alimentaires, farine de sarrasin, son
Sally Diep, Daiva Daugelaite, Anatoliy Strybulevych, Martin Scanlon, John Page, Dave Hatcher
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 525-534, (3 January 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-228
KEYWORDS: Ultrasonics, wheat noodles, rheology, ultrasons, nouilles de blé, rhéologie
M. J. Edney, A. L. MacLeod, D. E. LaBerge
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 535-544, (4 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/cjps2013-242
KEYWORDS: Grain protein, malt extract, starch-degrading enzymes, endosperm modification, Protéines du grain, extrait de malt, enzymes dégradant l'amidon, modification de l'endosperme
B. X. Fu, D. W. Hatcher, L. Schlichting
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 545-553, (3 January 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-236
KEYWORDS: durum, sprout damage, falling number, quality, Dur, dommages causés par la germination, temps de chute de Hagberg, qualité
Sheryl A. Tittlemier, Mike Roscoe, Robert Trelka, Susan K. Patrick, Janice M. Bamforth, Tom Gräfenhan, Linda Schlichting, Bin Xiao Fu
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 555-563, (22 November 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-241
KEYWORDS: mycotoxin, processing, pasta, exposure, Mycotoxine, transformation, pâtes, exposition
N. Wang, G. Castonguay
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 565-571, (22 November 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-222
KEYWORDS: Yellow pea, mature and immature, cooking time, physicochemical characteristics, Pois jaune, mature et immature, tenue à la cuisson, propriétés physicochimiques
Marta S. Izydorczyk, Tricia McMillan, Sharon Bazin, Jerry Kletke, Len Dushnicky, James Dexter, Anna Chepurna, Brian Rossnagel
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 573-586, (10 December 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-243
KEYWORDS: barley, oats, oat bran, barley fibre, beta-glucans, milling, Orge, avoine, son d'avoine, fibres d'orge, bêta-glucanes, mouture
Aaron L. MacLeod, Dennis E. Langrell, Michael J. Edney
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 587-592, (4 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJPS2013-229
KEYWORDS: Malting barley, malt quality, micro-malting, l'orge brassicole, qualité de le maltage, micro-maltage
Véronique J. Barthet, Dorota Klensporf-Pawlik, Roman Przybylski
Canadian Journal of Plant Science 94 (3), 593-602, (20 January 2014) https://doi.org/10.4141/cjps2013-224
KEYWORDS: Flax seed, antioxidant, hull, Linum usitatissimum, peroxide, aldehyde, lin, antioxydante, Linum usitatissimum, peroxyde, aldehyde
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