VOL. 91 · NO. 6 | November 2011
Ecology, Biological Processes and Plant Interactions
Li-xia Yang, Shao-cai Li, Hai-long Sun, Fei-fei Ye, Wei Liu, Shuang Luo
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 917-924, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS10087
KEYWORDS: Polyacrylamide, soil erosion, Water-stable aggregate, total porosity, Polyacrylamide, érosion du sol, agrégats stables dans l'eau, Porosité
Tianzeng Liu, Zhibiao Nan, Fujiang Hou
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 925-934, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2010-003
KEYWORDS: rotational grazing, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, nitrification potential, soil property, grassland, Pâturage tournant, bactéries qui oxydent l'ammoniaque, potentiel de nitrification, propriétés du sol, prairies
J. R. Miesel, R. E. J. Boerner, C. N. Skinner
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 935-946, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS10098
KEYWORDS: Fire and Fire Surrogate, soil, mixed-conifer, thinning, prescribed fire, Feux et traitements de substitution, sol, forêts mixtes, coupes d'éclaircie, brûlis
Composition and Chemical Processes
D. V. Ige, O. S. Abioye, O. O. Akinremi, C. M. Nyachoti, D. N. Flaten
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 947-955, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-031
KEYWORDS: phosphorus, phytase, pig manure, Calcareous soil, non-calcareous soil, phosphorus solubility, phosphore, phytase, fumier de porc, sol calcaire, sol non calcaire, solubilité du phosphore
Physical Processes and Interfaces
C. Halde, A. M. Hammermeister, N. L. McLean, K. T. Webb, R.C. Martin
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 957-964, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-026
KEYWORDS: Soil compaction, bulk density, penetration resistance, pasture management, forage productivity soil, litter, Compaction du sol, densité apparente, résistance à la pénétration, régie de pâturage, productivité des fourrages, débris végétaux
B. Wilske, E. A. Johnson
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 965-968, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-035
KEYWORDS: F and H layer duff, unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, small water potential, F et H couche d'humus, conductivité, hydraulique non saturée, potentiel de, l'eau a petite
Contamination and Environmental Stewardship
J. J. Miller, B. W. Beasley, C. F. Drury, B. J. Zebarth
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 969-984, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-048
KEYWORDS: nitrate, Chloride, soil test P, accumulation, fresh manure, composted manure, straw bedding, wood bedding, nitrate, chlorure, P du sol, accumulation, fumier frais, fumier composté, litière de paille, litière de bois
Management for Agricultural, Forestry and Urban Uses
Ron P. Beyaert, R. Paul Voroney
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 985-995, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2010-055
KEYWORDS: crop residue, decay constants, decomposition rate, tillage practices, résidus culturaux, constantes de décomposition, taux de décomposition, pratiques de travail du sol
Thea Whitman, Sandra F. Yanni, Joann K. Whalen
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 997-1012, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-011
KEYWORDS: Agricultural feedstock, biofuel, environmental impact, life cycle analysis, maize, soil organic matter conservation, Matière première agricole, biocarburant, impact sur l'environnement, analyse du cycle de vie, maïs, conservation de la matière organique du sol
G. H. Neilsen, D. Neilsen
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 1013-1027, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-023
KEYWORDS: potassium, magnesium sulphate, fruit quality, leaf and soil Ca, Mg and K, yield, potassium, sulfate de magnésium, qualité, des fruits, concentration de Ca dans les feuilles et le sol, Mg et K, rendement
Francis J. Larney, H. Henry Janzen, Andrew F. Olson
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 1029-1043, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS10065
KEYWORDS: manure, crop residues, fertilizer, soil erosion, Wheat yield, fumier, déchets de culture, engrais, érosion du sol, rendement du blé
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 1045-1046, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-504
No abstract available
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 91 (6), 1047-1052, (1 November 2011) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2011-505
No abstract available
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