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1 July 2012 Orobanche Rumseiana A. Pujadas & P. Fraga (Orobanchaceae), a New Species from the Balearic Islands
Antonio J. Pujadas-Salvà, Pere Fraga I Arguimbau
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Pujadas-Salvà, A. J. & P. Fraga I Arguimbau (2012). Orobanche rumseiana A. Pujadas & P. Fraga (Orobanchaceae), a new species from the Balearic Islands. Candollea 67: 65–74. In English, English and French abstracts.

A new species, Orobanche rumseiana A. Pujadas & P. Fraga (subgen. Trionychon (Wallr.) Spach, Orobanchaceae) is described from Majorca and Minorca, Balearic Islands. The new species inhabits coastal rocky areas with shrubby vegetation, is parasitic on Rosmarinus officinalis L. It is characterised by an inflorescence with erect-patent to patent flowers, a calyx with long acuminate triangular teeths, a corolla tube uniformly curved, corolla lobes obtuse with a distinctive mucro, some staminal filaments pubescent in the lower half and hairy anthers. Its morphological traits, and the fact that it is a parasite of Rosmarinus officinalis L., relate it to Orobanche rosmarina Beck with which it has been misidentified. It is also related to Orobanche mariana A. Pujadas and Orobanche pseudrosmarina A. Pujadas & Muñoz Garm. A detailed description and diagnosis are provided. Morphological characters that allow it to be discriminated from these related taxa are discussed and summarized.

Antonio J. Pujadas-Salvà and Pere Fraga I Arguimbau "Orobanche Rumseiana A. Pujadas & P. Fraga (Orobanchaceae), a New Species from the Balearic Islands," Candollea 67(1), 65-74, (1 July 2012).
Received: 25 November 2010; Accepted: 5 April 2012; Published: 1 July 2012
Balearic Islands
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