VOL. 67 · NO. 6 | June 2016

Y. L. Tang, C. S. Li, W. Y. Yang, Y. Q. Wu, X. L. Wu, C. Wu, X. L. Ma, S. Z. Li, G. M. Rosewarne
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 583-593, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15285
KEYWORDS: commercial cultivar, quality potential, southwest China, synthetic wheat
Grace Y. Wijaya, Clare Ingram, Robert E. Asenstorfer, Daryl J. Mares
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 594-604, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15107
KEYWORDS: cereal chemistry, pigments, wheat quality
Vasileios Greveniotis, Vasilia A. Fasoula
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 605-620, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15206
KEYWORDS: crop yield potential, moving complete block designs, moving grids, moving replicates, plant density, plant phenotyping equation, plant yield index, response to selection, sibling plants, soil heterogeneity, stability of performance, whole-plant field phenotyping
Mahboobeh Jalali, Faezeh Ghanati, Ali Mohammad Modarres-Sanavi
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 621-628, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15271
KEYWORDS: antioxidant capacity, iron chelate, Iron deficiency, iron nanoparticles, reactive oxygen species
Rodolfo Mendoza, Ileana García, Daniela Depalma, Carolina Fernández López
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 629-640, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15257
KEYWORDS: nutrient interactions, nutrient-limited environment, microorganisms, Root morphology
Ian J. Rochester, Michael Bange
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 641-648, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15278
KEYWORDS: fertiliser use-efficiency, Nitrogen nutrition
Kedar N. Adhikari, Peng Zhang, Abdus Sadeque, Sami Hoxha, Richard Trethowan
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 649-654, (8 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15333
KEYWORDS: genetic analysis, grain legumes, resistance breeding, rust resistance
M. Rokebul Anower, Anne Fennell, Arvid Boe, Ivan W. Mott, Michael D. Peel, Yajun Wu
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 655-665, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15204
KEYWORDS: gene expression.
Zhi-ying Liu, Guo-feng Yang, Xi-liang Li, Ya-fei Yan, Juan Sun, Run Gao, Qi-zhong Sun, Zong-li Wang
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 666-678, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15289
KEYWORDS: alfalfa, cold acclimation, fall dormancy
M. R. McCaskill, G. A. Kearney
Crop and Pasture Science 67 (6), 679-693, (28 June 2016) https://doi.org/10.1071/CP15337
KEYWORDS: alfalfa, deep drainage, lucerne, neutron moisture meter, perennial grasses, runoff, salinity and dryland farming
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